Special Events

Besides the regular scoring chances, the last element of a match gameplay is Special Events. Special events depending on the players special trait, which could be Powerful, Unpredictable, Technical, Quick, or Winger.

Event types for a game are generated randomly, and the team that will get the SE will be chosen based on a check to find specialists for this specific event in each team. If no team has players with the specific event traits, the home team gets the chance.

Powerful player events may result in both a positive and negative event, such as an extra chance in favour (i.e., powerful player pushing through defenders), or against (i.e., an impetuous action causing a foul).

Unpredictable players events may result in both a positive and negative event, such as an extra chance in favour or against, or extremely positive (e.g., an incredible play leading to a goal) or extremely negative (e.g., a disastrous action causing an own goal).

Technical, Quick and Winger players event may result in a positive chance (e.g., a technical play, a quick sprint, a perfect cross opening up a new scoring chance) or directly in a goal for the technical player's team.

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